牛 牛 简 介
2006年8月10日至8月27日,应英国李斯特钢琴协会主席Leslie Howard的邀请,在伦敦Wigmore Hall(魏格摩尔)举办音乐会,演奏了德彪西、肖邦、李斯特等作曲家作品,并与管弦乐队合作演奏了肖斯塔科维奇第一钢琴协奏曲,文艺界及社会名流欣赏了他精彩的演出。英国的BBC广播电台、《Musical Opinion》Max、星岛日报、因特网等各大媒体都做了采访报道。
2006年9月13日,随中国总理温家宝前往德国汉堡参加上海与汉堡姐妹城市20周年《China Time》艺术节开幕式庆典,并于15、17日晚举办钢琴独奏音乐会,中、德两国 政要、文艺界及社会名流欣赏了他成功的演奏。汉堡的晨报、晚报,《Wirtschafts Woche》、《Der Spiegel》、《欧洲经济时尚导报》、“音乐之声”广播电台都做了相关报导。
2007年11月1日,应英国皇室的邀请在容纳3千多人的皇家节日音乐厅(“The Royal Festival Hall” )举办音乐会。演出结束后,查尔斯王子亲自接见牛牛及父母,并与他们进行了亲切的交谈,他说牛牛的演奏让他激动万分,不仅激情四射,而且很有诗意,简直是成熟的“小大师”。他希望牛牛能常到英国演出,他一定是最忠实的“牛牛迷”!临走时,他对牛牛说:“你的音乐非常、非常的美,十分感谢你带给我这么美妙的夜晚。说实在,我还不知该用什么词语来形容我此时激动地心情!”第二天,皇室的朋友还告诉牛牛的父母,王子回去后,还是非常地 激动。各大媒体都做了采访报导。
2009年9月27日,参加香港Music First慈善音乐会的筹款演出。
2009年10月3日,参加德国Bad Worishofen国际音乐节,与著名指挥家尤斯图斯.弗兰茨指挥的国际交响乐团的精彩演出,受到极高赞誉,因此获得了2009年当年世界上最好的年轻钢琴家证书和奖励。
2010年1月29号-2月9号,在日本的横滨,长野,大阪,爱知,东京,札幌举办了6场独奏音乐会,场场爆满。 2010年8月1号-15号,再次在日本的新泻,大阪,琵琶湖,爱知,富山,茅崎举办6场音乐会,牛牛又一次以精湛的琴艺征服了日本观众,开始了牛牛在日本未来的5年巡演计划。
2014年6月(16岁),与Jacek Kaspszyk(雅切克·卡斯普契克)大师指挥的、有113年历史欧洲一流的华沙爱乐乐团(也称波兰国家爱乐乐团)(肖邦国际钢琴比赛官方决赛的合作乐团),第一位中国人在肖邦国际钢琴比赛现场——华沙爱乐大厅合作录制了拉赫玛尼诺夫《第二钢琴协奏曲》《帕格尼尼主题狂想曲》,华纳唱片公司出版、发行其个人第五张协奏曲专辑。
2014年9月12日,应邀参加布拉格德沃夏克音乐节,与JiříBělohlávek(基里·贝洛拉维克)大师指挥的世界十大交响乐团之一的捷克爱乐乐团合作精彩演绎了《德沃夏克g小调钢琴协奏曲》。现场得到了德沃夏克的孙子Antonin Dvorak III的高度赞扬。
2015年7月,牛牛受邀参加欧洲最高规格的音乐节:Bad Kissingen Festival和Verbier Festival,并在德国和瑞士的音乐节上举办音乐会。
15年来,在几位老师的谆谆教诲下,牛牛进步神速。已弹完了90首的钢琴协奏曲,肖邦全套练习曲,李斯特全套练习曲,肖邦21首夜曲,还有巴赫、海顿、贝多芬、莫扎特、勃拉姆斯、李斯特、舒曼、门德尔松、柴可夫斯基、拉赫玛尼诺夫、普罗科菲耶夫、德彪西、肖斯塔科维奇、斯克里亚宾、梅西安等音乐家的作品。在求学期间,还得到了刘诗昆、殷承宗、傅聪(Fu Ts/ong)、陈宏宽(Chen Hung-Kuan)、保罗·巴杜拉·斯科达(Paul Badura-Skoda)、加里•格拉夫曼(Gary Graffman),Murray-Perahia(莫瑞-佩拉西亚),Roman-Totenberg(罗曼-托腾贝格),Donald Weilerstein(唐纳-维勒斯坦),Benjamin Pasternack(本杰明-帕斯特纳克),尤斯图斯·弗兰茨(Justus Frantz),莱斯利·霍华德(Leslie Howard)、范妮·沃特曼(Fanny Waterman)、彼特·富兰克(Peter Frankl)、维·阿杜(Viardo)、鲍利斯·贝尔曼(Boris Berman)、巴什基洛夫(Dmitri Bashkirov)、西普林・卡萨利斯(Cyprien Katsaris)、皮艾尔・瑞切(Pierre Reach)、杰罗姆·罗温索(Jerome Lowenthal)、亚历山大·布莱斯基(Alexander Brzeski)、耶和威德·卡普林斯基(Yoheved Kaplinsky)、罗伯特・麦克唐纳德(Robert McDonald)、阿里·瓦迪(Arie Vardi)、加里克·奥尔森(Garrick Ohlsson)、安得拉斯·席夫(Andras Schiff)、弗兰克•拉多斯(Ferenc・Rados-席夫的老师)、索科洛夫(GRIGORY SOKOLOV)、梅纳海姆·普莱斯勒(Menahem Pressler)、 罗伯特・莱文 (Robert Levin)、斯蒂芬・霍夫(Stephen Hough)、耶胡迪・怀纳(Yehudi Wyner)等四十多位大师的指点。传奇钢琴大师奥地利的保罗·巴杜拉·斯科达(89岁)在兴奋之下欣然题词:“牛牛,伟大的天才”!预祝牛牛在艺术的成长道路上再创辉煌……
Born on July 7, 1997, Niu Niu has shown amazing talents on piano since childhood. He learned to play the piano from his father Zhang Changfeng in 2001. Niu Niu's current mentor is Hung-Kuan Chen, a famous professor of New Juilliard School.
On August 9, 2003, Niu Niu's first piano recital shared by 1000 audiences in XiaMen caused a great sensation.
On the first International Piano Festival of Shanghai Conservatory in Jan. 2005, Niu Niu became one of the four who won the title of Excellent Student. On April 10, 2005, he took part in the Gifted Pianist Concert held in Shanghai Concert Hall. After that, his concert in Xiamen on June 1st and the performance at Academie Internationale Gyorgy Sebok Piano Festival in July received high praises.
Niu Niu was awarded in the Piano Concerto Competition of Yin Cheng-zong Master Class in August and presented Piano Concerto 466 by Mozart with Xiamen Philharmonic Orchestra conducted by Zheng Xiao-ying.
In September 2005, it is the first time for the affiliated primary school of Shanghai Conservatory in 88 years to break an age rule to enroll Niu Niu. After a month, Niu Niu went to Taiwan to participate in the grand ceremony of the founding of Fagu Mountain and his wonderful performance was shared by 4000 audiences. Later he held another piano concert in Shanghai Concert Hall live broadcasted by Dongguang Music Station on November 6.
On February 17, 2006,on China Tang’s invitation, Donald Tsang, the chief Executive of Hong Kong SAR, and the consuls of many countries appreciated the melodies he played.
On July 12, he attended the opening ceremony of the third Chinese-Foreign University Presidents Forum sponsored by the Chinese Ministry of Education. Ten days later, Niu Niu took part in the inauguration of the second phase of the 4th China International Chorus Festival in Xiamen and played piano in the grand musical performance I Love Gulangyu Islet.
From August 10 to 27, 2006,due to the invitation of Leslie Howard, the chairman of the Association of Liszt Piano in UK, Niu Niu gave a recital at Wigmore Hall, London. He played the works of Debussy, Chopin, Liszt, and Shostakovich's Concerto No. 1 in C minor for piano, trumpet and strings, Op. 35, joined by Philharmonic Orchestra. More than 20 Ryoal Family members, as well as the British political leaders and well-known literature and art celebrities, appreciated his extraordinary performance. BBC, Musical Opinion Max, Singtao Daily and other major Internet media covered this story.
On September 13th, 2006, accompanying Chinese Prime Minister Wen Jia-bao, Niu Niu went to Hamburg and participated in the opening ceremony of China Time Art Festival on the 20th anniversary of sister cities between Shanghai and Hamburg. On September 15 and 17, he gave two successful recitals with the attendance of leaders and social celebrities from both China and Germany. The Morning Post and Evening Post of Hamburg, and other media such as Wirtschafts Woche, Der Spiegel, European Economic Fashion Reporter and Voice of Music has reported it.
On Jan 1, 2007, Niu Niu performed Shostakovich's Concerto No. 1 in C minor, op. 35 with Shanghai Symphony Orchestra conducted by Chen Xie-yang at New Year Concert in Shanghai. His performance was well received by the personalities of various circles.
Niu Niu was invited to play in the Spring Festival Gala 2007 by the Ministry of Culture, which was live broadcasted at CCTV-1 during the Chinese New Year.
In March, Niu Niu was elected as the youngest one among the 21 musicians who are the most representative musicians in Xiamen from 1894 to 2007. His name was recorded in the Famous Musicians, Xiamen published by Xiamen government.
On April 21, as the only Chinese guest and the youngest guest, Niu Niu was invited to hold a concert in the Queen Theatre, New York. Media such as World Daily of America, Chinese TV Station, Singtao Daily and Hong Kong Economic Journal all reported it. Many music critics marveled at little Niu Niu’s artistic talent. They spoke highly of Niu Niu’s thoughtful performance which is rare to be seen on many other well-known musicians.
On June 30, Niu Niu cooperated with Hong Kong singer Alan Tam to perform the theme song of the 10th anniversary of the Returning of Hong Kong.
He accompanied the Youth Symphony Orchestra of Shanghai Conservatory of Music to attend the European Youth Classical Music Festival on August 18 and played Mozart Concerto KV488 with conductor Muhai Tang at Berlin Concert Hall.
On Nov. 1, with invitation from the British Royal Family, Niu Niu held a concert at the Royal Festival Hall. After the concert, the Prince of Wales had a friendly talk with Niu Niu and his parents. He was extremely touched by Niu Niu’s enthusiastic and poetic performance. He hoped Niu Niu to come to London more often, said that he would be the most loyal fan of such a young master. Before saying farewell, the Prince of Wales hugged Niu Niu and praised: “Your music is exquisitely beautiful, thank you for giving me a wonderful night. In fact, I don’t know how to express my excited feeling!” Many big media reported this story.
Niu Niu attended the closing ceremony of the 3rd International Art Festival of The Next Generation Musicians in Dortmund, Germany on Dec. 16, 2007. Media’s report on his performance has created a furore among German society. Some media even commented on their front page that Niu Niu is “China’s Mozart”.
In 2007, EMI signed a contract with Niu Niu on at the age of nine. Niu Niu became the youngest pianist ever signed up with international Top 4 music companies. On March 1, 2008, he recorded Mozart Album with Lihua Tan, conductor of Beijing Symphony Orchestra and distributed internationally his first Mozart Collection (CD+DVD), dedicated to the children who are also growing up.
On June 1, 2008, Niu Niu participated in the Evening of Russia Concert in Kaohsiung, Taiwan to collect donations for the earthquake-stricken area in Sichuan. Cooperated with conductor Cao Peng, he played Shostakovich piano concerto No.1 and caused sensation in Taiwan’s classical music circle.
In July, Niu Niu entered directly the Affiliated Middle School of Shanghai Conservatory with excellent grade. On July 5, he performed piano concerto Huanghe with Xiamen Symphony Orchestra. The first-flight visiting mission including Hu Zhi-qiang, the mayor of Taizhong praised that it was a worthwhile trip for such a wonderful concert in Xiamen.
In September, performed together with conductor Muhai Tang and Zurich Chamber Orchestra, Niu Niu held three concerts in Europe and was highly praised by the music lovers and media.
On December 23, 2008, Niu Niu’s piano recital was successfully held at National Grand Theatre of China, thus he became the youngest performer the Theatre has ever seen. He dedicated his bright, enchanting and pure music to Beijing, the capital of his motherland.
In May, 2009, he was on a tour in Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen and
Dalian with full houses, thus broke the box-office record even during the global economic crisis.
On July 6, 2009, he participated in the International Piano Festival in Essen,
Germany——NiuNiu Concerto Concert. He made 11 curtain calls and encored 5 songs.
On September 19, 2009, Niu Niu took part in the closing ceremony of the 27th
Macao Youth Musicians Competition and played Piano Concerto No.1 of Mendelssohn with the cooperation of Macau Symphony Orchestra.
On September 27, 2009, he participated in the charity concert “Music First” in
Hong Kong.
On October 3, 2009, he attended the Bad Worishofen International Music Festival in Germany, and cooperated with International Symphony Orchestra directed by the famous conductor Justus Frantz. His wonderful performance was highly praised and Niu Niu was awarded the certification of the World’s Best Young Pianist of 2009.
On October 23 and 24, 2009, NiuNiu held piano recitals in Osaka Symphony Hall and Tokyo Suntory Hall in Japan. His performance in Tokyo Suntory Hall hit the wonder of selling out tickets within seven days.
In January, 2010, Niu Niu recorded his second album——NiuNiu plays Chopin. He is the youngest pianist who recorded this Complete Ètudes.
In February, he attended the Concert in celebration of the Anniversary of Master Shengyan at Fagu Mountain in Taipei for fund raising.
From Jan. 29 to Feb. 9, 2010, he gave six piano solo concerts in Yokohama,
Nagano, Osaka, Aichi, Tokyo and Sapporo in Japan with packed houses. From August 1st to 15th, Niu Niu performed in Niigata, Osaka, Biwako, Aichi, Toyama, Chigasaki in Japan. Niu Niu enchanted the audience once more with his piano skills, thus he began to plan for the following 5 years’ tour in Japan.
In July, he held piano recitals in Guangzhou, Shenzhen and Xi’an. On July 29,
cooperating with Century Orchestra Osaka, NiuNiu perfomed Chopin Piano Concerto No.1 for the Shanghai Expo. at Shanghai Oriental Art Center.
In September, Niu Niu was enrolled by Walnut Hill School for the arts,
the affiliated Middle School of the New England Conservatory (NEC) with full scholarship and became the youngest student of this school.
On October 1, 2010, Niu Niu won the Piano Prize “Star of Hope” biennially
awarded by the city of Monchengladbach, Germany. On October 6, he received the Montblanc Young Musician Prize annually awarded by Montblanc Culture Foundation Awards in Berlin, Germany. Niu Niu was the youngest pianist who won the distinction in the world.
On March 20, 2011,Niu Niu cooperated with conductor MuHai Tang again and performed at Shanghai Oriental Art Center.
From September 9 to September11, he held special concerts with Japanese Conductor Sado, which attracted over 6,000 audiences to come and had a full house for every performance.
On October 15, 2011, Niu Niu was invited to participated in the touring performances with the first class Lucerne Festival String in Shenzhen, Shanghai and Guangzhou.
On November 20, 2011, he obtained the first prize in a concerto performing contest held in affiliated Middle School of the New England Conservatory (NEC).
In March, 2012, Niu Niu had finished recording the third album of Franz Liszt in London, which had been issued globally on June.
From June to August ,2012, having successfully held 13 recitals in Japan,12 recitals in Taipei, Shanghai, Xian, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Niu Niu hit personal record of continuous 25 recitals during summer vacation.
In April, 2013, his fourth collection——《Youth Time》was released and set a record of most of solo albums of Chinese musician at the age of 15.
In December,2013, Niu Niu signed a contract with International Classical Artist management company(ICA).His 7th solo and concerto album was on the agenda of Warner Music Group.
In March,2014, Niu Niu cooperated with Belgrade Philharmonic Orchestra
which was conducted by MuHai Tang and successfully performed《Concerto for Piano no 1 in D minor》.
On April 19, 2014, Niu Niu performed both piano and violin in a concert conducted by Mu Hai Tang at Shanghai Oriental Art Center, which initiated young pianist plays two different instruments in a concert.
In June,2014,at the age of 16, Niu Niu cooperated with Jacek Kaspszyk,the famous conductor, and the world class Warsaw Philharmonic Orchestra with 113-year-history at Warsaw Philharmonic Hall to record Rachmaninoff《Alnaldo Cohen》,《Rhapsody on a Theme of Paganini》.At the same time, Warner Music released his 5th concerto album.
On September 12, 2014, Niu Niu was invited to Dvo�0�0ák Music Festival and performed Dvo�0�0ák’s piano concerto In g Minor with the Czech Philharmonic, one of the ten best symphony orchestra throughout the world, conducted by Ji�0�0í Bělohlávek. His performance was highly appreciated by Antonin Dvorak III, who is Dvorak’s grandson.
From 2015, Niu Niu is due to appear at Carnegie Hall in New York, music festivals and halls in Europe. He is expected to cooperate with the famous Symphony orchestras and conductors.
For the past ten years, with the earnest instructions of his respectable professors, Niu Niu has made amazing progress. Niu Niu's repertoire includes 70 piano concerti, all the Chopin Nocturnes and 24 pieces of Etudes, Liszt’s 12 pieces of Etudes as well as important works by Bach, Haydn, Beethoven, Mozart, Brahms, Liszt, Shumann, Mendelssohn, Tchaikovsky, Rachmaninov, Prokofiev, Debussy, Shostakovich, Skriabin, Messiaen and so on. Niu Niu has fortunately received trainings from more than thirty masters such as Fu Ts/ong, Liu Shi-kun, Yin Cheng-zong, Chen Hung-Kuan, Badura-skoda, Leslei-Howard, Fanny Waterman, Peter Frank, Viardo, Berman, Bashkirov,Jerome Lowenthal ,Alexander-Brzeski ,Yoheved Kaplinsky,Garrick Ohlsson and so on. With much excitement, legendary Austrian pianist Badura-skoda (88 years old) was impressed by his innate musician talent and wrote joyfully, “Niu Niu, a great talent!” so as to give the best wishes on Niu Niu’s music career.